1NAM one in a million
BFF. Best friend forever
BEG. Big evil grin
CYO see you online
HMU Hit me up
WRU Who are you
BBL Be back later
EOS End of storh
GAL. Get a life
Q4U question for you
5N fine
ORLY oh really
ATM at the moment
IMO. In my opinion
JIC just in case
THX. Thanks
LTNS long time no see
STR8. Straight
WB. Welcome back
YT. You tube
ANYI. Anyone
BFN. Bye for now
DUNNO. Do not know
GFY. Good for you
GTH. Go to hell
2n8. Tonight
BB. Bye bye
IC. I see
IS. I am sorry
IM. Instant massege
JJ. Just joking
JK. Just kidding
KK. Okay cool
L8. Late
LU. Love you
ASIC. As soon as I can
2MORO. Tomorrow
YCM. You copied me
TIA. Thanks in advance
Mahak ayani